Tolu Akinyemi

BFA Fashion Design Collections

Title: The 9 Eyes of Surveillance Capitalism

Updated: August 2nd

[ 01 ] DAZZLE CAMOUFLAGE was among the earliest iterations of camouflage. Rather than conceal itself, these designs were created to confuse onlookers. This thought guided the direction of my thesis.
[ 02 ]
[ 03 ] The work of New York based artist VANHA LAM resembles many of the concepts found in Dazzle Camouflage. Through simple folds and overlaps recognizable shapes become abstracted forms.
[ 04 ] Initial Iterations 1/3.
[ 05 ] Initial Iterations 2/3.
[ 06 ] Initial Iterations 3/3.
[ 07 ] Look 1.
[ 08 ] Look 2.
[ 09 ] Look 3.
[ 010 ] Look 4.
[ 011 ] Look 5.
[ 012 ] Look 6.
[ 013 ] Final Lineup.
[ 014 ] Google maps imagery serves as the subject of my abstracted garments. With these manipulations each garment functions as a contemporary camouflage for city goers.
[ 015 ] Final Lineup.