“Under the Puti Tree” explores the multifaceted nature of ancestral worship through a CG animation lens. It follows the traditional steps of joss paper, inspired by the mine deceased grandfather, to commemorate traditional customs of burning paper for ancestral worship. The film delves into five main steps of the ritual: lighting incense, candles, offering food, burning paper money, and setting off firecrackers. Through a blend of fantasy and reality, it evokes reverence and contemplation, inviting viewers on a journey of remembrance and reflection. Embedded within the narrative are personal memories and experiences, spanning generations and continents, which explore the enduring bonds of family, tradition, and cultural heritage. The project also grapples with broader themes of tradition, modernity, and the evolving landscape of religious and spiritual practices, prompting viewers to consider the role of ancestral worship in contemporary society.
animation film
Marvelous designer; blender 3D, aftereffects, Motionbuilder, daz 3d
Premiere pro, and After Effects