Murat Barlas

Creative Technologist + Artist
Murat is a creative technologist, designer, and programmer who uses computers for creative expression. He sees code as a medium for storytelling and world-building. In his work he focuses on interactive experiences and explores how emerging technologies change our connection to the world and our interactions with each other.
Thesis Faculty
Jesse HardingFran HoepfnerDan TaeyoungJessica Marshall

Information Machine

Information Machine

Information Machine is an interactive voting booth installation that confronts the participant with the fragile nature of information and disinformation in the internet age by prompting users to categorize news headlines of recent political events. The installation aims to make the participants feel confused by combining web-scraped news headlines with AI-generated headlines created by custom fine-tuned GPT models. It highlights how our engagement with content and information online is changing and questions what constitutes information. The internet is getting blurrier. How does this impact our interactions with information?