Techno Tot is an installation that explores what’s inside the black box of internet technology, and the unknown unknowns of average people. While looking like a router, the inner component of this installation is inspired by drawings from kids. Through interacting with this installation, the project aims to inspire its audience to reflect on their understanding of and relationship with internet technology.
The media of this project is a physical installation driven by physical computing. And the main material is acrylic and clay. By using clay, I want to address the imaginative and ingenuous quality of this project, and it’s made collaboratively with kids. The concept of this project is mainly supported by the information gained from secondary research co-create process. Other methods also included 5-in-5 fast prototyping and expert interview.
This project underscores the importance of recognizing our unknowns in technology to enhance learning and interaction within digital spaces. By exposing the illusion of digital independence, the project advocates for true digital empowerment. This empowerment involves a mindful engagement with online environments, understanding the underlying mechanics and design influences, and reclaiming control over our digital interactions. The aim is to foster a more conscious and reflective digital existence.