Modi Zhao

UI/UX • 2D/3D designer
My name is Modi Zhao , I was born in 2000, I am a Taurus, and I am a second-year graduate student at Parsons DT. I am a UI/UX designer, I try to challenge myself to make a live immersion game in my graduation work.

Exploring the Intersection of Yue Opera and Immersive Gaming_ A Journey Towards Cultural Understanding

Modi’s Yue Opera (MYO) is an interactive and participatory game that presents the ancient art form of the Yue Opera to the modern generation. Young audiences have lost interest in Yue Opera; therefore, the project seeks to breathe new life into opera and historical appreciation by offering a dynamic platform that entertains, interacts, and evolves. The game unfolds in the Nash Theatre, a building specifically chosen to illustrate the era’s cultural environment. Players assume a unique character, in which they can either work collaboratively or competitively to uncover clues, discover mysteries, and navigate the space to discover the unfolding storyline. MYO’s design aims to redefine immersive experiences by intertwining historical storytelling with modern game mechanics. The following dissertation describes MYO in the context of concept approach, methodology in the form of making and testing, and reflection on future prospects.