Li Zelong

Interdisciplinary Artist • Researcher
I like to connect some dots
Thesis Faculty
Alexander KingAyodamola Tanimowo OkunseindeErnesto KlarGloria DuanMelanie CreanSamuel Leigh

I Want To Be In My Autobiography

Generated by Diffusion Probabilistic Model

My Perfect Life, Not

“I Want to Be in My Autobiography” is a sincere wish and an autobiography. The project explores how we shape our digital avatars in the digital age using AI-generated content. Utilizing a self-curated avatar based on my facial features, this visual autobiography explores the delicate balance between self-representation and self-deception within the digital landscape. The project examines how ageism and societal expectations influence the digital self and attempts to locate the balance between self-representation and self-deception within the biased database derived from perceived norms.


AI-Generated Avatars: Central to the methodology is the AI’s role in creating diverse representations from my photos, adjusted for factors like age, aesthetics, and other social cues.

Technology Overview: Generative Adversarial Network(GAN); Diffusion Probalistic Model; Public Database

Generated by Diffusion Probabilistic Model