New York is an ecosystem made up of a complex, interconnected web of urban fabrics. Everyone living in and around New York interacts with different intersection points on this web every day. Hidden within this web are communities of people who work to actually keep these systems running. Invisible New Yorkers is a project that explores the intersection of these ideas within a city: first, New York City: a rich tapestry of thoughts, interconnected layers, and communities; second, urban fabrics: the multiple layers that make up a city, consisting of systems that connect with each other; and last, people: cities, systems, and structures do not function without people. This project translates these structures into an interactive tabletop game. The goal of this thesis is to increase awareness and appreciation for the people who make these experiences happen, and to help foster a sense of community and connection between audience and community.
The aim of the game is to run and operate a subway system in New York City for the length of the game. The game is collaborative, so all players strategise and work together to run the subway. Players win or lose together, as a team. Players play as managers of the subway, and solve problems by moving through the board.
The game consists of a board that describes different train lines in New York City and selected playable stations. Players can move through these lines with their game pieces.
There are four kinds of cards, divided into three decks.
Each turn. players pick up three cards: two from the character deck, and one from the gameplay deck. Character cards are added to ‘teams’, and any event cards are placed on their appropriate location on the board.
Players then have three moves to perform. Moves can take different forms:
If all event cards have been removed from the board, all problems have been solved and the players win! If players are unable to draw a new card from the gameplay deck and there are still event cards on the board, players lose.
As it stands right now, my project broadly portrays the intent that it set out to while maintaining an enjoyable gameplay experience. The goal of the project has never been to educate audiences about the finer points of the city’s urban systems, but rather to illustrate how teams of people have to work together to keep it functioning — and based on feedback, the game gets illustrates its intentions. I would still like to keep working on final details of the game, refining it into a comprehensive product.