Mapping Real-time Brainwaves to Unity Particle Systems


This project explores the boundless intricacies of human cognition, utilizing the principles of chaos theory to navigate the turbulent yet ordered nature of our thoughts. Standing at the intersection of neuroscience, chaos theory, and art, this thesis crafts a unique experience where the immediacy of thought influences a parallel virtual environment.


Using real-time EEG data, the Unity-based environment serves as a mirror, reflecting the ephemeral state of the mind’s presence through dynamically responsive particle systems. Each mental fluctuation—each spark of neurons—directly shapes the visual outputs within the virtual space, demonstrating how our scattered, instantaneous thoughts manifest as tangible experiences in a controlled chaos.

Presence in Time

“Where is My Mind?” makes palpable the fleeting moments of cognitive processes, capturing the essence of instantaneous presence in time. As participants navigate this environment, they witness their transient mental states sculpting the virtual space, offering a profound interaction that blurs the line between the observer and the observed, between the internal psyche and external expression.

Order & Chaos

This endeavor is an exploration of the mind’s capacity to create ordered patterns from chaos, encouraging viewers to perceive their immediate mental activities as powerful influencers of virtual and perceptual realities. The project aims to expand our understanding of consciousness, providing a platform where art and science converge to explore the depth of human perception and its impact on digital realms.

Tech Stack

The project utilizes OpenBCI biosensing and maps the five brain wave frequencies to Unity particle systems in order to create a dynamic visualization of real time cognitive fluctuations. Communication between the cEEGrids and Unity is done through UDP & Brainflow API.