A Ubiquitous Monument

Golpar Fatemeh Jalali

How can people in a society void of freedom of speech have access to their own monuments?

Monuments are commonly used as a form of propaganda by governments and institutions worldwide. Many of these types of monuments do not necessarily share any meaningful values with collective memory or of the experiences of the people living among them. Through this project, A Ubiquitous Monument, Golpar Jalali aims to give a platform for people to create monuments more reflective of their experiences and values.

Inspired by the earliest declaration of human rights – the Cyrus Cylinder – this project uses a website and AR app to create a platform for the oppressed to catalogue, share, and commemorate their collective experiences in a virtual monument with the hope of harnessing the trauma to create social change. The Cyrus Cylinder is the first declaration of human rights written by Cyrus II, 600 BCE.

This project includes a website that allows users to define and share their collective memory and an AR app which brings the monument to wherever they are.


This AR app brings the monument to wherever the visitors are. Through this app, you can take a closer look at this monument, walk around it, and read about the events.

Golpar is a visual artist and creative technologist who enjoys telling stories.
Golpar is a visual artist and creative technologist who enjoys telling stories.
Thesis Faculty
Richard The
Katherine Moriwaki
Anna Harsanyi
Jaime Keiles
Welcome to Guestbook, a procedurally-generated story of togetherness, built during the intensely digital Spring of 2020.