Alternative Realities: "Protect me from what I want"

Shirley Leung

"Protect me from what I want"

Alternative Realities: “Protect me from what I want” is a physical installation and an immersive experience. It is an ongoing conversation between the artist and participants that explores generative narratives of race, identity, and privilege in the Asian American community. This project interrogates our relationship with technology by using computer predictions as an extension to control our own futures. We tend to make decisions based on a vision of our own future. What happens when these visions differ or never come to fruition? The artist uses the model GPT-2 and trained it using transcripts of narratives about Asian American identities to generate alternative realities and possible futures. While this is an attempt by the artist to control her own future using technology, this is also a speculative, existential, and critical piece about the pervasive power and limitations of technology.

3D model of installation

Three long scrolls of generative alternative realities will undulate from the ceiling and one of the scrolls will feed into a black box with a VR headset inside. Viewers can put on the headset to see the audio/visual experience of the narration of some of the alternative realities.

Shirley is a creative technologist, multimedia artist, and interdisciplinary designer based in NY. In her current work, she speculates about alternative realities using machine learning so we can reconsider our relationships with ourselves and technology.
Shirley is a creative technologist, multimedia artist, and interdisciplinary designer based in NY. In her current work, she speculates about alternative realities using machine learning so we can reconsider our relationships with ourselves and technology.
Thesis Faculty
Katherine Moriwaki
Jamie Keiles
Welcome to Guestbook, a procedurally-generated story of togetherness, built during the intensely digital Spring of 2020.