An Invitation To The Shredder is a physical objects-based multimedia storytelling project that tells a fictional story of a scientist who accidentally destroyed the physical entity of their lover and then traveled through parallel universes trying to get her back.
The audience enters the project after all the events have transpired, is challenged to discover the narrative and intervene in how the narrative ends by switching between the storyline they are on and interacting with different physical objects. This project addresses the process of seeking meaning in a destined-to-fail quest in life, and tries to invoke the emotions people have during those processes.
Dr. Moss (they/them) is a scientist focusing on the practical application of parallel universe theory. During their studies, they met and fell in love with a parallel universe traveler named Pasero Ashinona (she/her). Years after they met, Moss damaged the travel machine Pasero used, known as The Shredder, to steal parts from that machine for their own research. This action caused Pasero’s physical entity to be destroyed. As a result, she now only exists in the quantum realm. Moss redesigned the travel machine and traveled through different worlds, trying to bring back Pasero. In the end, they gave up the idea of saving Pasero and decided to shred their physical entity in a last, futile attempt to be with Pasero.
The audience will experience this project as the former assistant of Dr. Moss, getting the information about their demise, along with the shocking news that this once nightmare of a boss left everything they had along with their old apartment to you. When you get to the apartment, you find mysterious objects and a testament video looping in the study room.
After getting in contact with the “ghost” of Moss's long-lost lover, you start to revisit your former employer and try to understand the meaning behind their actions.
Jessica Marshall
Liza Stark
Ethan Silverman