Keaton Feigeles

POSE: A physical manifestation of what we cannot see

It is hard to address the self without acknowledging what surrounds us. As humans we are a social species who place emphasis on our social well-being and our social connectedness. But now, when told to be alone how can we change our relationship to our thoughts and to ourselves when left to our own devices.

How do we find balance and serenity? Can we be comfortable minus movement, minus noise? Can we find a seated rest?

'POSE' is my personal exploration and expression of enlightenment. I, a dedicate and YTT200 hour certified yogi have been educated in and have lived in a space where the search for spiritual enlightenment is on. As a phenomenon we cannot see I have continuously struggled with explaining and articulating my relationship to this abstract. I can communicate it best through movement.

With painted hands and feet I began my physical practice, creating permanent marks on a canvas which mark my place at the time and depicts how I hold space for myself.

'POSE' is physical movement expressed in a still image.

This is 'POSE'

From downward facing dog: low lunge, twist, low lunge, half split, low lunge, supported warrior three, forward fold, half lift, forward fold, mountain pose

From downward facing dog: low lunge, high lunge, warrior two, reverse warrior, reverse triangle, triangle, half moon, warrior two, chaturanga

From downward facing dog: warrior one, warrior three, one leg mountain pose, warrior three, chair, divers, chair, divers, crow, side crow, forward fold, half lift, chaturanga

From downward dog: low lunge, half split, low lunge, quad stretch, low lunge, high lunge, warrior two, reverse warrior, warrior two, chaturanga

From downward facing dog: warrior two, triangle, half moon, warrior two, reverse warrior, side angle, bound side angle, warrior two, chaturanga

From downward facing dog: low lunge, half split, low lunge, half split, low lunge, warrior three, forward fold, half lift, forward fold, chaturanga

From downward facing dog: low lunge, high lunge, warrior one, devotional warrior, warrior one, warrior two, reverse triangle, warrior two, chaturanga

From downward facing dog: low lunge, high lunge, warrior three, one leg mountain pose, tree, hand-to-foot, tree, warrior three, standing split, forward fold, half lift, forward fold, mountain pose, forward fold, chaturanga

A New Yorker trapped in New Jersey for 18 years, Keaton "like Michael Keaton" Feigeles is a designer and artist. She has interests in a wide range of creative fields she has blended her art background with new technologies and emerging media to explore ways in which we express and promote ourselves, our work, and our ideas.

Keaton is also a YTT200 hour certified yoga instructor, please contact for more information!
A New Yorker trapped in New Jersey for 18 years, Keaton "like Michael Keaton" Feigeles is a designer and artist. She has interests in a wide range of creative fields she has blended her art background with new technologies and emerging media to explore ways in which we express and promote ourselves, our work, and our ideas.

Keaton is also a YTT200 hour certified yoga instructor, please contact for more information!
Thesis Faculty
Jamie Keiles
Ayo Okunseinde
Brad MacDonald
Colleen Macklin
Alexander King
Ernesto Klar
Welcome to Guestbook, a procedurally-generated story of togetherness, built during the intensely digital Spring of 2020.