ripple: A community-based reusable package system

Ripple is a speculative design website that allows people to look at our recycling system from a different perspective. It is an online platform where people can build and manage their reusable package system in their community with help from professional organizations. This website is designed to encourage people to challenge the current recycling system and explore the possibility of a decentralized peer-to-peer reusable system.

The core function of this platform is the community where its member can discuss with each other how to manage the reusable packages in their community.

Anyone can post a page and state his opinion, and people can support him or disagree with him by clicking the arrow button below. If there is more than 60% active users vote yes, then this plan works.

Along with the community, there is also a data center that reflects how people and their community participate in the activity.

As the first step of users’ journey, users can buy products through online shops and local stores. As you finish enjoying your products, simply place your used products into the smart bins in your community or schedule a free pick up from your home. Then ripple will collect those packages back. The reusable packages can be reused as a traditional Coca-Cola glass bottle. By clean and reuse those reusable packages, we complete the no-plastic-loop.

Hi I am a Product designer focused on solving real-world problems and empowering people through User-Centered Design
Hi I am a Product designer focused on solving real-world problems and empowering people through User-Centered Design
Thesis Faculty
Chris Romero
Ethan Silverman
Mattie Brice
Andrew Zornoza
Welcome to Guestbook, a procedurally-generated story of togetherness, built during the intensely digital Spring of 2020.