Many of us are separated from people we are close to, whether it is a lover, a friend, their parents, a child, a sibling, or any other relation. There are many reasons why people are not always able to be close to someone who they deeply care about. I am one of the people who have a distanced relationship with family due to study abroad, and I am inspired by my personal experience of living separately from family and having limited family communication for over 7 years. I want to rediscover my role in my family life and express my reflection through this thesis project. My thesis project is a data visualization installation that is transferring one year of social media conversational data between myself and my father into a poetic visual representation and a spatial experience. The goal
of the project is to express the importance of conversation to nurture family relations for fathers and daughters, and to evoke their reflection on their father and daughter relations.
Ethan Silverman
Mattie Brice
Andrew Zornoza