The Three Secrets

Hye Soo Kim

Have you ever felt like you can not speak any languages even though you know? Have you ever thought of how speaking multiple languages can be making one’s self very uncomfortable? We first learn language because objects, environments, and these spaces exist for us. It is the sensation first (which is the objects) and then after the fact, which is learning the language. Language is a fact of sensations and sensations support the fact in order to create a language. Therefore, languages that she knows and those languages getting mixed up in my head is another code like that no one can understand but only she can.
The Three Secrets is an expression form of the abstract art piece that expresses the feeling of uncomfortableness towards knowing multiple languages. In this art piece, short descriptions are supporting to tell her personal feelings with specific places that she has chosen from the United States, Korea, and Spain.

When the sounds are combined with shapes, it gives much stronger feelings towards the language.

Hye Soo Kim is an artist and a graphic designer based in NYC who likes to explore intersections of different cultures.
She enjoys capturing a daily moment and she likes to work with multimedia to conduct effective storytelling.
Hye Soo Kim is an artist and a graphic designer based in NYC who likes to explore intersections of different cultures.
She enjoys capturing a daily moment and she likes to work with multimedia to conduct effective storytelling.
Thesis Faculty
John Sharp
Barbara Morris
Chris Romero
Ethan Silverman
Welcome to Guestbook, a procedurally-generated story of togetherness, built during the intensely digital Spring of 2020.