Yash Goyal

Creator & Storyteller
Yash A. Goyal (he/him) is an interdisciplinary designer, artist, & storyteller with a passion in creating impactful experiences for others & himself. He starts his design by focusing in on the story; both, due to his background in creative production (B.F.A in Theatre from NYU) and how he views the experience of interacting with design. He is a fast learner, quickly engaging with different techniques & tools to prototype in order to find an effective design.

He has worked on projects at; Ars Nova, National Gallery of Denmark, & Elsewhere.
Yash A. Goyal (he/him) is an interdisciplinary designer, artist, & storyteller with a passion in creating impactful experiences for others & himself. He starts his design by focusing in on the story; both, due to his background in creative production (B.F.A in Theatre from NYU) and how he views the experience of interacting with design. He is a fast learner, quickly engaging with different techniques & tools to prototype in order to find an effective design.

He has worked on projects at; Ars Nova, National Gallery of Denmark, & Elsewhere.
Thesis Faculty
Ever Bussey, Dan Taeyoung, Barbara Morris, Andrew Zornoza


Placeholder Description

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What Is ATEM?

ATEM is a name. 

ATEM is a philosophy. 

ATEM is a community. 

ATEM is a resource.

ATEM is creating.

ATEM is a place exploring the various paths that technology exists and how it can exist in our lives. It is a path to truly owning yourself and your creations. A path to only being beholden to your desires with your technology .

The only thing stopping you is yourself. So go create!

We are all flesh and blood, we shouldn’t let that escape us as we journey into the digital.

Digital Embodiment

Digital Embodiment is all about the ways your physical & bodily experience can be augmented by technology. The various ways we engage with the world around us and the technology that we currently engage with; along with all the ways we can change this experience, enhance by bringing our experience into the digital world.

Our bodies are how we exist. 

They are an intrinsic part of how we experience the world. They are so fundamental that we often don’t think about our physical experience unless something has gone wrong. We all have different relationships with our bodies; one that we are constantly renegotiating with each new moment. Despite our forgetfulness, our body is a constant mediator between us & the world around us.

As the digital world constantly becomes more embedded in our lives, a tendency exists to leave behind and forget our physical experience. More and more games are played with buttons connected to a screen; while technology companies are pushing digital life as the next progression of society. Health magazines are stuffed with articles on making sure you stay active with an office job. Finding ways to incorporate our bodies into our digital experience won’t only help us stave off sedentary lives; it can allow us a path to create experiences that can be felt more viscerally. Our digital life can have a closer experience to how we fundamentally experience the world. 

We are all flesh and blood, we shouldn’t let that escape us as we journey into the digital.

It can be summarized into asking yourself a simple question.

“How can our body remain & transform as we venture into the digital world?” 

What Will You Create?

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Special Thanks to everyone who helped me get here.