Created by Tricia Ilena (Design), Grace Liu (ORIE), Purushottam Chandra (MBA), Shreyas Bhat Kera (CS), Sooyeon Kim (CS) and, Sri Venkata Krishna Venkata (MBA).
An app that enables students to overcome stress and anxiety by helping them deconstruct their unhelpful thoughts through guided journeys and interactive exercises.
There is currently a gap within the mental health space in universities and colleges as the ratio between therapists and student-patients is imbalanced. Since there is a shortage of therapists, students would have to wait a long time to get connected with a therapist. Therefore, this project aims to provide students a tool that allows them to find mental health support while they are waiting or unable to get connected with a therapist.
With ChatCBT, students are able to type down how they are feeling or anything that is bothering them and it will respond in a conversational manner with questions that help the students get to the root of their problems. In addition to that, ChatCBT will suggest interactive CBT exercises that will help students view their thoughts in a different angle. If a student is currently seeing a therapist, they will have the option to share their progress and exercises with their therapist. ChatCBT provides an outlet for students to share their thoughts while simultaneously, helping them practice to reframe their thoughts in a more helpful manner and prepare them for their actual therapy session. ChatCBT is not replacing therapists, it is a tool that supports both student-patients and therapists.