Dream Complex is a project that combines AR technology and physical models to create a narrative of dreams. The concept of the project started with the idea of classifying dreams for easy storage and analysis. The three-dimensional coordinate system of dreams represents three dimensions: the type of emotion, the amplitude of emotion, and the level of consciousness. Based on the records of dreams, all dreams are classified in this three-dimensional coordinate system, and are then transformed into an AR installation.
I sorted through my dream records and combined everything I dreamed about into a story. The story tells the tale of a little soul who falls into the world of subconsciousness called Dream Complex after breaking the emotional cycle. The little soul needs to collect fragments representing different emotions to return to the conscious world.
On the AR installation, there are different emotional patterns that serve as markers for AR storytelling. Users can scan the patterns with their phones to see the content of my dreams that represent the emotion. Only after collecting different emotions can users save the Little Soul.