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Mark Gardner: I Want to Be Hopeful

Mark Gardner, principal of Jacklitsch / Gardner Architects and Assistant Professor of Architectural Practice and Society, shares observations that he finds promising, discouraging, and befuddling.

Wid Chapman Architects Wins SIT Award

Parsons Interior Design faculty Wid Chapman’s design firm, Wid Chapman Architects, was named a winner in the professional category for this year’s SIT Furniture Design Awards.

10 Questions with Sheila Bridges

AAS Interior Design alumna Sheila Bridges is fearless. Especially when it comes to pattern, color, and the truly iconoclastic design of her interiors and products.

Sonya Sklaroff Paints the Pandemic

Sonya Sklaroff’s (MFA Fine Arts ’00 and current faculty member) “Pandemic Paintings” reflect the new normal by playfully subverting daily life, and were included on LinkNYC kiosks around the city.

Figure Void to Lithic Landscapes

Poetry and drawings by Parsons First Year faculty Beau Bree Rhee are featured in this online publication, serving as a continuation of her performance recording, “Performance Paysage.”

The New Conversation Featuring Carrie Mae Weems

In the inaugural episode of this new YouTube series, New School President Dwight A. McBride speaks with artist Carrie Mae Weems, whose work breaks boundaries and explores issues of race, gender, and class.

3D Design is Creating a More Sustainable Future

Joshua Williams, Director of the MPS Fashion Management program, is joined by fashion designer and faculty member Soojin Kang on Fashion United’s “News Bites” podcast to discuss how 3D design is creating a more sustainable future.

Zen and the Art of Anjali Patil

Shradha Kochhar, MFA Textiles ’21, recently worked with Verve India to design a custom piece worn by actress Anjali Patil in the magazine’s cover story

80 Over 80

BFA Illustration students partnered with Slate Magazine to provide the artwork for this feature highlighting the 80 most influential Americans over the age of 80.

Reasons We’ve Loved New York

AMT faculty member Jeanne Verdoux’s work paying tribute to local New York spots that have closed in 2020 appears on the cover of New York Magazine

Plants will save us — if we help them do it

Harpreet Sareen, Assistant Professor of Interaction and Media Design, says that although their lack of perceptible motion tends to make us regard plants as static, they are constantly sensing and adapting to their environment.

Leggings Take a Victory Lap

“I don’t think we can separate the pandemic from fashion,” says Rhonda Garelick, ADHT Dean in this piece on the changing face of fashion during a global pandemic.

Get to Know These Black Bridal Designers

Alumnus and bridal designer Jean-Ralph Thurin is featured in this piece highlighting Black designers who have made their mark in an industry that has often left out people of color.

‘black beyond’ in Cultured Magazine

Jazsalyn, MFA Design & Technology ’21, discusses her work on black beyond, a radical platform for artists and activists to speculate alternate realities for Blackness.