A Zine about Food and Memories

Yoon Hee Cho

This zine is about my comfort food recipes. I was born and raised in South Korea and have lived in New York City since 2011. When I feel nostalgic, I cook Korean food. After eating what I made, I feel the energy is filled up from bottom of my gut. That way, my emptiness is filled, and my daily life keeps going on.

The recipes have stories about nostalgic feeling of my childhood memories in South Korea, my past days in NYC, and the happiness that I feel now in my everyday life. The reason I wanted to make this zine is because it shows who I am and what I pursue.

As I decided to eat less meat, especially I don’t want to eat the meat product from the factory farming, most recipes are about vegetables and Korean fermented food.

I wanted to promote the habit of making the food people will eat for their health at a reasonable price. With this book, I also want people who are interested in vegetable dishes to learn more about Korean food and enjoy the healthy food.

Yoon Hee Cho is a creative technologist and designer who is interested in where handicraft meets digital technologies.
Yoon Hee Cho is a creative technologist and designer who is interested in where handicraft meets digital technologies.
Thesis Faculty
Colleen Macklin
Andrew Zornoza
Brad Macdonald
Chris Prentice
Welcome to Guestbook, a procedurally-generated story of togetherness, built during the intensely digital Spring of 2020.