Muscle Sanctum


Muscle Sanctum is an interactive visual interface system for novice fitness enthusiasts to learn about muscle workout exercises in a fun and effective manner. The project aims to gamify a routine experience such as working out and make it engaging for the users, leading to longer involvement with the experience. By making use of instructional design, game design, and user experience design principles, the project creates a holistic environment for such workouts to take place. Motion capture and depth-sensing technologies are used to recognize and compare body movements in real-time and provide necessary feedback to the user while performing. Unlike fat burning exercises, these workouts have to be performed with concentration and at a much slower pace; hence this system debunks the common notion of fitness being an energy induced fast pace workout. The ultimate goal of this project is to give the users necessary training in order for them to advance to the weights and machines section in the gym.

Yashwanth is a creative technologist and experience designer whose work lies in the intersection of human and spatial interactions using emerging technologies.
Yashwanth is a creative technologist and experience designer whose work lies in the intersection of human and spatial interactions using emerging technologies.
Thesis Faculty
Mattie Brice
Andrew Zornoza
Harpreet Sareen
Loretta Wolozin
Welcome to Guestbook, a procedurally-generated story of togetherness, built during the intensely digital Spring of 2020.