
Dae Young Kim
Dae Young Kim
Dae Young is a digital product designer and an artist based in New York and Seoul. His works focuses on how information is delivered to people through the scope of creative design.
Thesis Faculty
Chris Romero
Ethan Silverman
Aya Karpinska
Louisa Campbell

Believer is a web based art experience raising awareness on the need for media literacy and self-criticality. Through presenting how falsehood affects us, the work portrays a satirical caricature of the contemporary society.

Link to the project

Before we begin, what do you know?

Everyday, we intake vast amount of information flowing in from digital media. What is the one truth you have heard from the media?

We easily consume information from various sources such as social media, messages with friends, news broadcasts. With just a few taps and scrolls, anyone can have access to vast amounts of information.

We often misunderstand the nature of falsehood within the media as easily recognizable or hard to encounter, and we unconsciously refuse to see ourselves as potential victims of it.

In presenting how a falsehood enters into an individual's consciousness and affects her mind, Believer satirically depicts the epitome of a person from the post-truth society.

Through a small set of interactions like questions and a writing activity, the project actively engages with the audience to have them think about the truth they believe. The work initiates a conversation about media literacy, giving the audience a chance to stand before themselves and evaluate their self-criticality.

Through this experience, the audience faces the unpleasant but necessary mental experience for those living in the contemporary society of post-truth, and ultimately become one step closer to being more aware and familiar with the idea of self skepticism and media literacy than they were before.

To Believer

To experience the project, click the link below

Link to the project

Special thanks to

Chris Romero
Ethan Silverman
Aya Karpinska
Louisa Campbell
Taylor Wei-jie Su
Paula Rondon
Valerie Lin
Jon Roozenbeek
Bas Jansen
Elizabeth Gore