Killing Time is an installation made up of three sculptures accompanied by sound. The sculptures are Untitled (Watch), a watch that functions by running a razor blade back and forth at irregular intervals, Untitled (Computer), a computer monitor displaying activity logs accompanied by a mouse and keyboard covered in shards of glass, and Untitled (Phone), a phone wrapped in barbed wire that plays alarms at irregular intervals.
The pieces each focus on different aspects of time and digitized labor under neoliberalism, while together they act as a distorted scene from the desk of an office worker. In Untitled (Computer) the screen serves as a reminder of unproductive labor time: running a background process that tells the viewer of their current inactivity, while the mouse and keyboard (the entry-points into non-passivity) prevent any meaningful labor by being covered with shards of glass. With Untitled (Phone) alarms blare at the viewer, while barbed wire blocks any intervention into the system to stop the incursion of noise. And finally, in Untitled (Watch), a razor blade runs back and forth on a track where a digital watch face should be, keeping time through physically cutting the wrist of the potential wearer, a painful reminder of time passing.