Maya Filmeridis
Maya Filmeridis
Maya Filmeridis is a multidisciplinary artist based in Brooklyn, NY.
Thesis Faculty
David Carroll
Chris Prentice
Jesse Harding
Andrew Zornoza

LOVEBUG is a Mac OS application, dually inspired by computer viruses and dating simulators, that addresses the artist's fear of Love and aversion towards intimacy.

LOVEBUG calls upon the uncontrollability of the computer virus to depict the ease of the unknown. LOVEBUG co-opts the language and nuance of dating simulators to engage a difficult conversation about Love and vulnerability. LOVEBUG is a memoir, a portrait of the artist, that has grown over time to learn and let go.

LOVEBUG is made up of 7 chapters that represent a process of atonement and unraveling. By re-scripting through scripting, breaking apart and reassembling, LOVEBUG cycles through mechanisms of reaction and resolution while discussing concepts of intimacy, trust, and Love. Moments are created and then interrupted, hearts are revealed only to be obscured, one part of me calls while another pulls away. Through these curated anecdotes of material, I introduce metaphor and play to re-imagine the existence of Love in my life.

To experience this project and keep up with updates, please visit the LOVEBUG project page here