What is sex🌟 to you? Is it just limited to intercourse? Is cuddling considered sexual? What about kissing? Have you ever pondered how sex might feel when you’re 75 years old compared to when you were 22?
To celebrate creativity and sexuality in older generations, I created “Get Sexcited”, a sex toy design workshop for seniors🧝. The first workshop was held at Queens Center for Gay Seniors, where I collaborated with nine older adult participant to co-design sex toys. Through sketching, making, and exchanging ideas, we explored new possibilities for intimacy and reclaimed agency in sexual expression and pleasure🌼.
Later on, I selected a few designs created by the senior participants and interpreted them into 3D models for digital display and interaction at the thesis pop-up show.
You can learn more about the workshop development process and gain inspiration for facilitating your own workshop by reading my publication piece 🧚.