The Genome Project 2017

The study, launched in 2017, will create a holistic perspective on entrepreneurship born from The New School, past and present. Our aim is to assess the impact of entrepreneurial alumni on their local economies, and the scale and impact of their entrepreneurial ventures. This comprehensive survey will map the impact our entrepreneurial alumni have had economically, socially, creatively — in whole, visualizing a display of The New School’s entrepreneurial genome.

  1. COLLECT – We want to measure and map the numbers and locations of self-declared entrepreneurial alumni over time, focusing primarily on the last 100 years.
  2. MAP – Subsequently, we will use resources in data visualization to map the results of this widespread collection, displaying entrepreneurial alumni locally and globally further refined by social, cultural and/or economic value.
  3. IMPACT – The goal of this initiative is to create an engaging visualization and positively impact alumni engagement, as well as assess and demonstrate the collective impact and industry of all surveying and collected alumni.
  4. DEVELOP – The resulting holistic perspective will contextualize and initiate greater consideration and proof of entrepreneurship at The New School, and provide context for the many growing endeavors around entrepreneurship developing at the university.
  5. SHARE – We aim to share the results of this study in many forms and through many public, including a 100-Year interactive timeline to celebrate the Centennial.