Created & Written by: Xian Horn, Camilia Chiriboga, Elizabeth Bodzy, Chieh-Li Lin, Angela Delise.
The journey in making the perfect jacket for our client Xian took many different directions along the way, but truly presented the outcome we were striving to achieve. Through many different prototype iterations, our goal of creating a jacket that would serve the needs of our client was of utmost importance. With this being said, while at times it seemed as though we strayed a bit off track, we were able to jump right back in and readdress the necessary features and functions we were wanting to incorporate and achieve. Much research and brainstorming took place in order to receive the necessary feedback from Xian of a style she would like to wear. This took many trips back to the drawing board in order to implement the main reasons for making this jacket and how it would stand out from the rest of those that Xian owns. Our team has great hopes that the jacket we created specifically for Xian will keep her warm and protected wherever she goes.