Keren Chen

For centuries, women are expected to be the main providers of unpaid household and care work for their families. It is based on role specialization with the woman being the care-taker and the man being the breadwinner in a family unit.

As time progresses, more and more women have earned equal opportunities as men in receiving education and having a paid job. However, gender inequality in unpaid work persists, putting double burden on working women, especially mothers.

Time-use data measures individuals’ allocation of time in a set period, usually the 24 hours of a day, on various activities, including personal activities, working, studying, leisure, childcare, and household activities. It is considered one of the most effective approaches to understand gender inequality by far.

The United Nations Statistics Division(UNSD) collects the country-level Time Use Survey for the use of researches and decision making. By 2015, it has gathered data from 85 countries. In ALL the countries where time use surveys have been done, women are doing more unpaid work than men every day on average.

With the goal of subversively drawing attention to a pervasive and unappetizing global problem, The SWET Shop lollipops to visualize the time men and women spent on paid or unpaid work.

The colors represent the categories and genders. Cold colors (blue and purple) are for unpaid work and warmer colors (orange and yellow) are for paid work.

The size of each color represents the time length. All four kinds of time are represented by a semisphere. The radius is in proportion to the number of hours.

In addition, the accurate numbers of the work hours, the year of the survey was conducted, reference population (age), and sample size are shown in 2D forms (posters and packaging) as supplements to the lollipop.

When everything is put together, the audience can compare the paid and unpaid work hours between men and women in the same country, as well as the data across different countries.

Among the 85 countries that UNSD has collected Time Use Surveys from, 12 countries are chosen as examples to show the varieties and complexity of gender inequality in paid and unpaid work hours globally. Lollipops for these countries draw information from the latest men's and women's work time data collected by UNSD.

Visitors can also purchase gift boxes from The SWET Candy Shop. Inside the box, detailed information about gender inequality in work hours is provided. The gift box would be a great gift for promoting gender equality.

Designer of information for humanity.
Designer of information for humanity.
Thesis Faculty
Richard The
Anna Harsanyi
Sven Travis
Loretta Wolozin
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