Parsons First Year students visit the United Nations

During the Spring 2019 semester, Parsons First Year students visited the United Nations Trusteeship Council Chamber at UN Headquarters as part of the Sustainable Systems course. Students were encouraged to ask questions in response to the readings, talks, and material discussed in their class sections and continue the legacy of using a forum such as this to bring to light human rights issues that are related to Climate Change and consider the challenges and the opportunities at play, as they design for resilient systems. 


Students had the chance to ask questions of speakers including: Executive Dean Joel Towers, Parsons School of Design; Timo Rissanen, PhD, FRSA School Associate Dean Associate Director, Tishman Environment And Design Center and Assistant Professor Of Fashion Design And Sustainability; Lauren Redniss Associate Professor of Illustration; and Ambassador, Consul General of Denmark in New York, Martin Bille Hermann.