Auxen Bohn


Class of: 2025

Major: Illustration BFA

Medium: Paper collage

Faculty: Diana Shpungin

Prompt: Create a portrait of home using collaged photos of a location in NYC.

Collaged with photos from central park, this piece depicts the second floor dorm of Westtown School. For this assignment we had to create a portrait of home using pictures of a part of the city we hadn’t been to before. I went to a boarding high school, and decided to illustrate the hallway of my dorm, named W2. All the pictures used in the collage are from central park. The majority of the collage is black and white, but I used yellow as an accent color to give the piece a warmer feeling. I had no idea how this was going to turn out when I started and it is by far one of my favorite pieces I have created this year.