Clarissa Rubin


Class of: 2024

Major: Fashion Design BFA

Medium: Paper, Marker, and yarn

Faculty: Rachel Urkowitz

Prompt: Our class was assigned to create a wearable piece of art that would protect our partner from one of their greatest fears.

One of Aviva’s greatest fears is losing those she cares about and relationships she puts effort into; she sees this sentimental loss represented with the color red, and with a flower. I took inspiration from her color pallet as well as this symbol. A concept Aviva discussed that stuck with me is how fragile and delicate relationships are. I attempted to illustrate this through my video: the flowers represent these relationships, and the thread is slowly building that connection. My roommate and I struggled to smoothly tie our hands together, depicting how much time and work it takes to build trust with another person. These gloves are meant to protect Aviva from the loss of meaningful relationships, forever tying two individuals together.