Juliett Tam


Class of: 2023

Major: Communication Design BFA

Medium: Photography, publication, layout

Faculty: Audra Wolowiec

Prompt: Both Seminar and studio encourage us to explore social distancing as a theme for the project. Using what we wrote on the topic for Seminar, this studio project asks us to visualize our writing into a digital publication.

Destructive thoughts and destructive thinking.
Destructive thinking includes exploring the idea of consciousness.
Consciousness is a choice?
Choices you make talks about your moral.
Moral as a social construct.
Construct us in space.
Space as a unit.
Unit and measurements depend on where you position.
Position changes perspective.
Perspective from the indoors.
Indoor people look at the outdoors,
Outdoor people creep interaction.
Interaction internally.
Internally talking.
Talking to ourselves,
ourselves we run from.
From one place to another.
Another day another time,
time we take for granted of.
Of people we make mistakes on.
On these thoughts we destruct.