Prompt: To recreate "The New Yorker" Magazine cover with an assigned architecture “The New Yorker has evolved from a Manhattan-centric “fifteen-cent comic paper”— as its first editor, Harold Ross, put it—to a multiplatform publication known worldwide for its indepth reporting, political and cultural commentary, fiction, poetry, and humor."
The covers were inspired by Donald Judd’s house, both the structure and the artworks he created. Delivering a distinct mood at different moments to demonstrate the change in time of the artist, as well as the business of New York: Donald Judd (1928-1994) was a well-known American artist best recognised for his Minimalist contributions. The Donald Judd House is the artist Donald Judd’s home and studio in New York City. Judd’s house and workshop were located at 101 Spring Street in Manhattan’s SoHo neighbourhood for many years. In 1968, he purchased the five-story cast-iron building. The building at 101 Spring Street in New York City was used for a number of purposes before Donald Judd purchased it. The structure is a five-story cast-iron structure, which is a typical architectural type in the SoHo neighbourhood.