Marika Kleinfeldt

Plastic Bottle Planters

Class of: 2023

Major: Communication Design BFA

Medium: Plastic and embroidery thread

Faculty: José DeJesús Zamora

Prompt: To collect plastic bottles and upcycle them into a new object. We were to focus on the motif the bottom of the bottle made and try to use that in our final design.

Using plastic soda bottles, I cut and prepared the bottom halves following video demonstrations from class (ie how to do it properly and having a clean-cut for your design, rather than jagged plastic edges.) I created plastic planters for fake succulents I had at home so I could repurpose plastic I otherwise would have recycled and never thought about again. By tying the edges of the planters together with embroidery thread, I’m able to introduce color into the design with the limited materials available to me.