Mina Kasimoglu


Class of: 2025

Major: Illustration BFA

Medium: Wire, spray paint

Faculty: Aviva Maya Shulem

Prompt: The assignment was to create an extension of the body using exoskeletons as inspiration. The piece was to be designed with consideration for lines.

Focusing on some of the more familiar exoskeletons we see, I tried to incorporate the sharp features of scorpions, the elongated and wire-like aesthetic of spiders, and the hydrophobic elements of ants in the general concept. I was also heavily interested in the mobility found between the exoskeleton shells, and researched medieval armor, emulating a neck guard and a helmet, as well as somewhat adopting the shape of the plague masks to suggest defense. My favorite portion of my research on exoskeletons was in regards to something visually aggressive – ragged and sharp – being used for the sake of defense, or basic senses. I knew I wanted to find some balance, so I tried to retain some of the predatory visuals that come with the animals I research by creating shapes with many points. However, to get to those pointed ends are long, curved edges, adding some elegance to the overall design of the piece. Wire worked best for this project, as I found that it was easily malleable but provided a sturdy foundation for the piece to take shape.