Minkyung Cho

Anecdotes of the Body

Class of: 2025

Major: Communication Design BFA

Medium: Paper, watercolor, colored pencil

Faculty: Matthew Lopez-Jensen

Prompt: Create a visual work of art, design, or fashion that touches or addresses an issue. Perhaps think about your work as a public service announcement. Imagine those connected to your issue (or yourself) as a superhero for the cause. How can you elevate or celebrate good work, care, or a cause? Can you or do you want to involve other people? Make something with others?

For this project, I wanted to create a poster that was able to incorporate the stories of people who experienced the oppressive nature of getting an abortion. The main subject in the poster is a woman trying to defend herself while her reproductive organs are being controlled beyond her power. In the background, it shows a birth control pill prescription that has been modified to hold the stories and experiences of 14 different people who suffered the stigma and dangerous process of getting an abortion, especially in areas where it is illegal. Inside each pill, there is a slip of paper that lists the name and experience of that person.

Through this project, my goal was to humanize these people who are so often demonized and cast off as immoral people. It is easy to judge a situation and place laws on other people’s bodies without knowing the true emotions and sentiments these people hold. Overall, I was hoping to achieve a greater sense of empathy by sharing these anecdotes