Mira Fowlkes

Water Me

Class of: 2025

Major: Fine Arts BFA

Medium: Video

Faculty: Ting Teal

Prompt: To create a video that appropriated or took influence from something else.

“Water Me” is a poem I wrote that is made up of other various little poems I’ve written in the past as well as new material. The meaning can be interpreted by whatever means to the reader or listener, but to me, it connects deeply with a time in my life where I did not accept myself for who I was. When given the opportunity to make this video, I knew that I had to use my poem immediately, also while taking inspiration from Beyoncé’s “Lemonade” and “Black is King” which gave me the inspiration to weave spoken word with music, beauty and high fashion all while showing myself in a vulnerable state. The music I decided to use in the back of my audio is a song called Jezebel by Sade which refers to the Jezebel woman, which I thought was fitting to the poem and the visuals. A big choice I had to make was which orientation I was going to record my video in and ultimately I decided to go with portrait orientation because when we see ourselves through a lens, it’s more than often in the mirror or on our phones, both things which reflect that portrait orientation back to us, really affecting the way we see ourselves. This video is like my own ode to vulnerability and becoming comfortable with myself, which is what makes it so confident.