Naya Shaw
on a road to the future
Class of: 2023
Major: Strategic Design and Management BBA
Medium: Digital collage
Faculty: Eric Romeo
Prompt: The assignment was to create Climate Collages as a way to effectively communicate the need for change. Change in the way we think, consume and create in our current culture of complacency.
The collage is about our trajectory to the future of the environment and the climate. If we continue the way we are going at the rate we are going, this is similar to what we would see. I exaggerated it because we really don’t know what lies ahead or how bad it’s going to get. In the collage, you have the perspective of being in a car, looking down the road, and seeing the chaos. I was inspired by the science fiction material I’ve absorbed over the years as well as Russian constructivists and Archigram style collages.