Oloof Jarrar

Birth is Death

Class of: 2024

Major: Strategic Design and Management BBA

Medium: Video

Faculty: Joey Christiano Diaz

Prompt: This was the final project for our Time class, we had the freedom to create anything related to the idea of 'time' in any format.

My video connotes the idea that birth and death are both caused by the usage of pain and the idea that for every beginning there is an end. The use of fabric highlights the idea of being trapped and claustrophobic, but it also connotes delicacy and pureness. The white emphasizes the idea of angelic and the idea of a gift from above. The movement of the performance shows both beautiful movements as well as painful movement. The table is a symbolic representation of a tombstone, the air, and open space connotes that there might be an afterlife. Maybe when our loved ones are dying. If we can become comfortable with seeing someone off, we can create a beautiful loving way to cherish our last moments together.