Thomas Granger
Marble Head of a Women Wearing Diadem and Veil, Thomas Granger
Prompt: For this paper, the class had to describe a sculpture. We had to first sketch the sculpture, then make a list of immediate observations, and compile 5 photographs of the object at hand. We had to convey what the sculpture looks like and how it feels to look at it.
This project was all about conveying emotion through writing. We had to first choose a sculpture from the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s collection, then make a sketch of the sculpture, gather images, and create a list of immediate observations about what we see when we first observed the given sculpture. These observations could also be questions, which helped in my thought process of going about describing the sculpture. My intention was to fill the paper which as much imagery and emotion as possible, then filter some emotion out and replace it with description. This was key in finding a balance of emotion versus description. The majority of my studio work is filled with passion and meaning, so the practice I have from making transferred over to help me write as if the sculpture was alive.