Xueer Han

Nature Study of Fahsion Design

Class of: 2023

Major: Fashion Design BFA

Medium: Paint, marker, bristol

Faculty: Emily Barnett

Prompt: Using a previous project and/or concepts from this course, execute a collection as a group of at least 5 finished looks that are based on one of the projects from this course, using the color scheme, patterns or designs as inspiration.

I was really obsessed and interested in the process of the nature study of color. I wanted to extend the shapes and color palette I created into a collection of fashion looks. My major is fashion design, color is so important in this field, and at the nature study project, I did really inspired me that all those fabulous shapes and colors could always be extracted from nature.

I kept the original color palette I did and decided to created three looks with one set of color from that palette and another three looks with other set of color. After the color decision is done, I cut out the shape I created from that nature object, then I scanned it and put on photoshop. I re-arrange and play with that shape in photoshop to see how can those shapes made into garments. After several looks I did, I chose six looks that I am most satisfied with, then I draw them down in my Bristol pad and color it with marker and gauche paints. All the colors and the shapes I used to created my collection are all from the nature study project I did.