Yuecen Cai


Class of: 2021

Major: Fashion Design BFA

Medium: Cardboard and plaster

Faculty: Jeff Carter

Prompt: This work is three big projects in one. It includes a representation of sound in our space, a plaster sculpture of negative space in our hand, a foam core box that can hold the plaster, a cardboard sculpture that represents the sound, and a stand for the plaster on the cardboard.

We started by drawing lines on paper. Each line has to be drawn in one breath and we have to respond to a noise. Each time we hear the noise, the line will wiggle. We drew the lines as close the last line. After we finish the drawing, we view the line drawing as a contoure landscape map. I built every single line out of cardboard. The plaster shapes the negative space of our hands. We viewed it as an alien baby on top of a landscape. I used one stick to hold the sculpture.