Field trip to the United Nations

On November 9th, over 600 Parsons First Year students visited the the Trusteeship Council Chamber at the United Nations. The field trip is taken each semester by Sustainable Systems classes to hear a group of influential speakers whose work relates to addressing climate change. It’s a rare opportunity to not only be inside one of the most esteemed rooms of the United Nations but to also sit in the chairs and experience the various dimensions of the design.

Danish Architect Finn Juhl designed the chamber in 1950, and since then the space has become a symbol of hope for millions of people struggling under colonial domination. Discussions in the Trusteeship Council Chamber have been part of the movement toward self-determination for many countries and territories.

– Speakers and panelists included:

Student speaker Anjana Vas is in her second year at Parsons, majoring in Project Design in School of Constructed Environments.

Parsons First Year Faculty member Jenifer Wightman introduced Anjana and teaches in Sustainable Systems.

Joel Towers, Dean of Parsons School of Design

Anne Dorte Riggelsen moderated the “Design and Sustainability: The Danish Case” panel and is Ambassador, Consul General of Denmark in New York.

Christine Antorini, Member of the Danish Parliament and member of The Social Democratic Party. She is a former Minister for Education (2013 – 2015) and Minister for Children and Education (2011 – 2013).

Óluva Klettskarðs, Member of the Parliament in The Faroe Islands. She is representing the Republicans, a left wing separation party, seeking emancipation from Denmark.

Mogens Jensen, Member of the Danish Parliament and member of The Social Democratic Party. He is a former Minister for Trade and Development Cooperation (2014 – 2015). He is The Social Democratic’s Culture and media spokesperson.