Make it count! Last chance this semester to take a PARSONS MAKES workshop!
You thought last week had a HUGE line-up…CHECK OUT THIS WEEK!!!
Tuesday April 5th :
9am – Intro to Woodworking
LAST Woodshop Workshop this semester!
Thursday April 7th :
9am – *Speciality: Intro to Non-Ferrous Metals + Cold Connections (AT CAPACITY) (See info below about how to join waitlist)
6pm – Intro to Laser Cutting + Etching
Friday April 8th :
12:30pm – Getting to Know the Domestic Sewing Machine
LAST Domestic Sewing Workshop this semester!
Saturday April 9th:
10am – Intro to Laser Cutting + Etching
12pm – Intro to Plaster + Alginate
1pm – Intro to the Industrial Sewing Machine
LAST Laser, Plaster, + Industrial Sewing Workshop this semester!
Sunday April 10th:
6pm *Speciality: Intro to Non-Ferrous Metals + Cold Connections (AT CAPACITY) (See info below about how to join waitlist)
Check out the website for the SPECIFICS + Requirements to attend the workshops!
Let’s Prepare to CRUSH Finals!
2. This Speciality workshop does NOT require a Metal Shop Safety Orientation BUT you will not have access to the Non-Ferrous Metal Shop after the workshop unless you take a specific metal class and the safety orientation.
3. To attend and reserve your spot, please email with:
A. your name, N#, year, and Major/Program
B. Join Waitlist: Let us know which day/time you want to be waitlisted
1st Preference: Thursday 4/7 @9am
2nd Preference: Sunday 4/10 @6pm OR no 2nd preference
This workshop has VERY LIMITED CAPACITY and filled up fast through this email sign-up and space is limited. (9 per workshop + waitlist).
Don’t sign up unless you are sure you can attend. Space is very limited and it is taking a slot away from someone else who could attend!