Irene Chang

Alternate Identities

Class of: 2023

Major: Fashion Design BFA

Medium: Photography and Illustration

Faculty: Vivian Babuts

Prompt: This project is an investigation and exploration centered around the question, "Who Am I?".

The theme I chose for this project is, myself in relation to alternate identities. The question, Who am I?, is a difficult one to answer. In my opinion, there is no definite answer. The outcome of my project, is simply an exploration of who I am. As an introverted person, I find myself living in two different realms. The reality I have to face everyday, and the creative world in my mind. Art has always been my voice and my preferred way of communicating. The intention of my project is to merge the two worlds.The integration of the photographs of myself into the illustration are intimate, in hopes that the vulnerability allows people into my world, in a way that I can not verbally communicate.