Charis Pao


Class of: 2027

Major: Communication Design BFA

Medium: Photography, Paper

Faculty: Frank Holliday

Prompt: Creating a book that showcases a sequence of 10-12 images over a period of time.

A flutter book – made using one sheet of paper that folds into a flippable book and lays out as a grid of images that showcases my journey moving from Hong Kong to Toronto, and finally to New York City at Parsons. The book is organised in chronological order from the months of July to August of 2023, as well as a gradual progression from daylight into the night to demonstrate the passing of time. Small handwritten captions and numbers are added to create a personal touch, as though the images are my diary entries. The images are all formatted in a 1:1 ratio to maintain consistency over the course of the sequence, showing that parts of my life are shifting but the frame in which I experience it all remains the same.