Katherine Krupnina
Ubiety; My Plain Self
Class of: 2023
Major: Fine Arts BFA
Medium: Ink, Photography, Photoshop; Oil paint
Faculty: Kate Harding
Prompt: Synthesize This: A Time When My Understanding Of Something Has Changed was a project that focuses on an individual's experience. For this project, students had to combine analog and digital techniques. For the second project, students just had to create their own self-portraits.
Since the assignment was titled, “Synthesize This: A Time When My Understanding Of Something Has Changed,” I decided to revert back to a time when I felt alone, and then later realized that I am never truly alone. Ubiety depicts me situated within space surrounded by several planets, which represent those who are around me. I have chosen to portray myself with several arms coming out of my head as well, as if I were blindly reaching out for those planets and missing them. This project really pushed my creative limits. I have only worked with ink previously; including photography and photoshop in this piece was out of my comfort zone. However, I feel as though both of these methods, analog and digital, really brought my personality out in this piece.
I took more of a “study” approach for this second project. I have not worked with oil much in the past, so I decided to challenge myself with this portrait. I originally planned for this to be a very quick project, where I would have just blocked in major shapes and values with my paints. I ended up getting very detailed and precise. I have messed up my proportions several times, and so I had to go back and paint over what I already had until it looked right to me. I eventually became completely immersed in this project, and I believe that in the end, the portrait is an accurate representation of the bare me.