Mariana Holtz Betiol


Class of: 2023

Major: Architectural Design BFA

Medium: Matte paper

Faculty: Amy Finkel

Prompt: The prompt for this project was researching a specif place in New York City and making a publication telling the history of the site.

For this project, I wanted to tell the history of the Imagine memorial in Central Park through a conversation between Charlie, a kid curious about the mosaic, and John Lennon himself. The memorial is a reference to the song “Imagine” by John Lennon, a world anthem for peace. The mosaic is supposed to be a reminder of hope for a more peaceful world, but it is slowly losing its meaning and becoming simply another tourist attraction. This children’s book remembers this message and teaches about respecting others so we can all live in a better world. It also references the Vietnam War, which inspired the song “Imagine”, and John Lennon’s assassination with metaphors that make those topics child friendly. The book is circular to reference the original shape of the monument. This is the first printed version. It is a hand-bounded book and printed in matte paper and a laser cutter was used to achieve the circular shape.