Nia Lagurashvili


Class of: 2025

Major: Fashion Design BFA

Medium: 3D cardboard model

Faculty: Anya Kurennaya and Jen Mazza

Prompt: Me and my peers were asked to create a collections of text, smells/tastes, textures, and images. After completing the collections assignments we got the opportunity to explore the world of our classmates through their collections. We had to seek for an inspiration in our classmates work and then create the peace in any medium we wanted.

I looked for a long time at the pictures taken by my peers. I tried to analyze and get a deeper meaning out of them. While scrolling through the images I discovered that all the photos had the same flow, as if every single picture was taken on the same street. I started thinking deeply about this idea. I asked myself a question, what if I created this street? The place which united most of my classmates’ work. where every single one of them could get inspired. This would be a street of NYC composed of the picture puzzles taken by everyone in a class.