Peyton Wallace


Class of: 2023

Major: Strategic Design and Management BBA

Medium: Video

Faculty: Anne Finklestein

Prompt: Creating a dynamic image using something as familiar as a sans serif font.

Type is all around us. Although we interpret type as words, phrases, or a means of getting a message across, it can also be used as an art form. In this drawing and imaging assignment, we were called to rethink what a letter face can mean for us. Taking a sans serif font and a phrase, we created a poster and an animated video.

One thing that I really love to incorporate in my work is to separate the RGB levels. This creates the 3D effect, where the red and the cyan overlap (but not completely) to create the white text (its best seen in the “BEFORE THE TRUTH…” line). I also played with the blending modes to create some really cool overlays, as well as implementing motion blur to create an effect of motion, but also to kind of soften the text and make it a little more effective to be overlaid.

At first, I thought it was too busy. It’s definitely a little crazy, but I’m very happy with it. My lovely drawing and imaging teacher, Anne Finkelstein, described it as “cacophony”, meaning “a harsh discordant mixture of sounds”, which I think is an absolutely delicious description. implemented many of the elements that I created in the poster, such as motion blur, isolated RGB levels, various blending modes, and repeating/multiplying text.

I think this video is kind of crazy, but I think it’s also a really accurate reflection of my internal dialogue. This is one of my favorite projects. I felt as though I was really able to use the mediums I love as well as a song I love. I think my pieces are dynamic, intriguing, and turbulent piece.